Version 2.2.0 is here!

Happy spooky season, adventurers!

This isn't a Halloween related update at all. It's just yet more additions and changes, and another fairly decently sized one!
I also have a huge v2.0 update coming for Dragon Dreams: Christmas Nightmare!  As I did with this game earlier this year, it'll contain a LOT of new content, and I plan to release it near the end of November. So until then, I hope you enjoy the update for this game.

Version 2.2.0 is now available, and among some smaller things, it has:
- a new modifier and options
- new HUD features and improved equipment quick-swapping
- a slightly changed New Game+ (enemies deal double damage, to keep some challenge)
- and more!

Full patch notes, as always, are at the bottom of this post, and in a text file included with the game.

I hope you enjoy!

(I might have solved the false positive virus detection problem. But just in case, if the .exe is detected as a virus, but please do not worry, it is not. I understand if you don't want to take the risk, but this is seemingly a common problem with Clickteam Fusion 2.5 projects.)

Happy adventuring!  





- Added contents of item chests, and missing/obscured items and chests, to the map image guide
- ADDED NEW MODIFIER: HUDless (Hides your HUD! Health, mana, etc.)
- Added an extra window size option
- Added options for position of attack cooldown meter
- Added Hitbox Help option, to make your hitbox show when near some sources of danger, like spikes
- Added Item Finder option, to toggle item location indicators on the mini-map
- Added button press to speed up intro and outro text
- Added new cheat for +1000 gold
- Added equipped slot number indicator on HUD, appearing briefly when you switch weapon/magic/potion/artifact
- Added more water and lava graphics variants
- Added new floor to the lava "dungeon"

- Changed Mute and Pause shortcuts to use Shift key instead of Control key
- Made save files go into their own folder, for a more tidy game folder
- Removed functionality of Space Bar to activate random selection of modifiers
- Made enemies deal double damage in New Game+, to make those extra Life Vessels worthwhile
- Updated some old weapon/magic descriptions that I missed
- Changed weapon and magic switching shortcuts to use less keys; cycling left and right through them
- Increased Dream Sword ability cooldown from 180 to 200
- Clarified HP and MP values displayed in item descriptions (eg. "10MP" instead of "x10")
- Changed Staff into Spear, increased its ATK, and slightly lowered it's speed
- Very slightly increased movement speed when submerged in water
- Increased Stone Mimic health from 16 to 17
- Improved interaction with pushable blocks, for less accidental pushing of nearby ones
- Updated the way lighting is handled for more optimisation

- Hopefully fixed weird bug that let you walk up waterfalls if you dash up onto them far enough


HD - Version 2.2.0 42 MB
Oct 20, 2024

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